Pre-Wound Embroidery Bobbins
Industrial machine pre-wound Embroidery Bobbins
Superpunch offers three different kinds of pre-wound embroidery bobbins. You will surely find the perfect match for your need and budget. The top quality is the Magna-Glide bobbin. Our pre-wound bobbins are loved by embroiderers of all sizes. We offer Style L in black or white and if you should require class 15 bobbins for home embroidery machine, please visit our sister web site at
For those who wind their own embroidery bobbins, we also offer spools in black or white specially made for this purpose.
Please select the perfect one for you and your budget.
Smaller Home Machine pre-wound Embroidery Bobbins
- If you own a smaller home machine and need a class 15-A Pre-Wound bobbin, please visite our site MONFIL.CA.
Plastic Core With Sides
- High quality but yet affordable.
- Plastic core to promote high speed embroidery.
- 144 bobbins per box. 134 yards per bobbin.
Wind Your Own Embroidery Bobbins
Option 1
Option 2